Patient Success Stories

Working Mom Back to Life After Surgery to Remove a Spine Tumor
As a financial services executive and physically active wife and mom with young children, Kelli doesn’t have much time to slow down. When she began experiencing pain in her arm and neck a few years ago, Kelli wasn’t overly concerned. However, as months and years passed, she also noticed reduced range of motion in her left shoulder and numbness in her hand and arm. “I just didn’t feel right,” Kelli remembers, “I was not able to do as much at yoga and didn’t ski as often.”
Click here to read about how Dr. John Stokes, a spine specialized neurosurgeon in Austin, Texas, performed successful surgery spine on Kelli to removal a spine tumor.

Retired Microbiologist Returns to Activity After Spine Tumor Removal
helley started having severe lower back pain and muscle spasms in December 2011. “It felt like a lightning strike to my spine.” The symptoms were intermittent, they would come and go. “Nearly every night I would wake up with the horrible pain,” Shelley remembers.
She went to her orthopedic surgeon to find out the cause of her problem. The surgeon referred her to a spine specialist. After her visit with the specialist, it still wasn’t clear what was causing her symptoms. Meanwhile, Shelley continued to experience the sudden and severe lower back pain symptoms. She was afraid to leave the house because she never knew when the symptoms would return.
Click here to read about how Dr. John Stokes, a spine specialized neurosurgeon in Austin, Texas, performed successful surgery spine on Shelley to remove a painful spine tumor.

Dr. Stokes Helps Pro Circuit Rider Prepare for Competition Again After a Herniated Disc
Tilden is a circuit bareback rider who started competing at the age of 15 following in the footsteps of his father. He was the 2007 PRCA Bareback Rookie of the year and subsequently qualified for the National Finals Rodeo three times by the age of 24. As one can imagine, bareback riding is a challenging sport that can be very taxing on the body.
Several years ago Tilden began experiencing pain in his neck that radiated into his right arm. Initial treatment included physical therapy under the direction of Shawn Scott, DC where Tilden learned specific exercises to help manage his symptoms. The non-surgical care provided initial relief but the symptoms eventually returned and intensified to include numbness and weakness in the right arm..
Click here to read about Tilden's successful treatment from a herniated disc.

New Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Sends Patients Home Same Day
Kathy began experiencing excruciating pain in her back that radiated into her leg at Christmas time. She also had weakness and numbness into her leg. “It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. I wasn’t able to stand for more than a minute or two,” she remembers. “It was like hot electricity running through your body.” Soon Kathy was bedridden, but unable to sleep because of her symptoms.
Not only did her pain remain, it worsened, so Kathy made an appointment with Dr. John Stokes, a fellowship-trained neurosurgeon at Seton Spine and Scoliosis Center. During her visit an MRI confirmed that she had a herniated disc. Dr. Stokes discussed with Kathy her treatment options, including a new minimallyinvasive surgery known as the YESS procedure.
Click here to read how Dr. John Stokes used a tiny incision, about a 1/4 inch in length, to help relieve Kathy's herniated disc.